HEUTHES has been on the banking and financial institutions software market since 1989.
- Latest IT technologies
- Flexibility in implementing new banking functions and services
- Comprehensive support for banking transactions
Our systems work in PEKAO SA (since 1989), both associations of cooperative banks (bank BPS SA and Grupa BPS and bank SGB-BANK SA and Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa), DnB Bank Polska SA and Volkswagen Bank GmbH.
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On the market of Polish software producers
Awards and distinctions in technology competitions
Users work daily with our systems
Transactions are carried out daily by our systems in banks and companies
Coherent work environment of HEUTHES banking systems
MULTICENTAUR PAYMENT HUB - the most extensive back-office banking system in Poland
It integrates both the banking environment and the bank's internal systems, creating the main "transaction hub". Implemented and developed since 1996.
see moreGRYFCARD - bank card service
System for the settlement of transactions made with payment cards.
Identity management with various channels of banking transactions.
see moreGRYFBANK - central banking system
The system is used both at the bank's headquarters and at its branches.
see moreISOF-ERP - bank back office service
An advanced system that provides full support for the bank's back office.
We invite you to read the documentation of our systems